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Mr. Moshe Loshinsky, Chairman
This committee is charged with optimizing the tefilot and leining of Beit Knesset Hanassi on Shabbatot and Holydays. Moshe is our very active Gabbai who undertakes the smooth running of all the services and ensures that everything from the air-conditioning to siddurim is working and available and everyone is at the right place at the right time. His knowledge of the community and our area is exemplary.

Michael Kronenberg , Treasurer
This committee handles the Shul finances and Membership. The committee liaises with our auditors to ensure that we comply in all matters with the State Supervisor for Non-Profit Associations – which gives us our Charitable Status. We accept Credit Cards either by phone, or email your request.

This committee overseas structural issues, co-ordinates repairs & refurbishment and is involved on a daily basis with matters that arise in a building that is now over 40 years old.

Women’s League
Chairwoman by Rotation
The Women’s League is a very active Committee! Their range of activity covers the Shul Shabbat Mevorchim Kiddushim which individuals sponsor but are catered by the League.  They oversee the Simchat Torah Kiddush, cater the refreshments for the Leil Shavuot all-night Learning Program and they plan and cater the Annual Purim Party, In addition they plan the highly successful Yom Yerushalayim Celebration, usually held in a prestigious venue. They arrange lectures and an annual tea for new members to introduce them to our very active and friendly community and are always happy to accept new members!


Tue, 1 April 2025 3 Nisan 5785